Vol. 57 No. 2 (2023): The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy

					View Vol. 57 No. 2 (2023): The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy


The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy is a publication of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria which publishes original research papers, critical reviews, systematic reviews, and short communications in all areas of Pharmacy Practice. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy now has eISSN approved number 9876-5432 obtained from the National Library of Nigeria as was also accepted for indexation in the prestigious Asian Science Scientific index ASCI-Database https://www.ascidatabase.com/masterjournallist.php?v=1388 in addition to being indexed by Google scholar and CrossRef®. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy is pivotal in strengthening the pharmaceutical sector through publishing of timely and innovative research outcomes. The theme of the 96th Annual National Conference of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria is “Pharmacy Practice: A Pivot to Universal Health Coverage In Nigeria”. The pharmaceutical ecosystem sector is complex and crucial in achieving Universal Health Coverage as it directly affects the accessibility of safe, effective, and affordable essential medicines.  Pharmacists are the major drivers of this ecosystem and should build their capacity in this area for positive results to be achieved in improving access to medicines and reducing the global disease burden. In Sub-Saharan Africa, due to the lack of government structures and enforcement, sectors of this ecosystem operate sub-optimally, and players and actors have taken advantage of its weaknesses and disorganization. Therefore, further research is imperative to identify ways to progress and improve the pharmaceutical ecosystem. This has been aptly captured in the review by Ohakwe et al., 2023. titled ‘The Impact of the Pharmaceutical Ecosystem in Achieving Universal Health Coverage in Sub-Saharan Africa’. This current issue consists of 22 research papers authored by researchers within Nigeria and in the diaspora. The published works features a paper on Pharmacovigilance core indicators practices in some health facilities in Osun state, Nigeria; Phytochemical and Heavy Metal Screening of Fura da Nono, Ciklavit®, Katoka Mixtures®, and Yoyo Bitters®; Evaluation of Quality of Tobacco Cigarette and Implications to Public Health amongst others.

Many thanks from the editorial board, goes to all the authors and reviewers who have contributed and supported the journal up to date. Please enjoy Volume 57 (2), September/October issue 2023 of PSNNJP and follow the website of the journal for news.

Kind regards,

Dr. Margaret ILOMUANYA (B.Pharm., MSc., PhD)
Editor in Chief


Published: 2023-10-08

Research Article