The antidiabetic effect of the lime juice (citrus aurantifolia) extract of Ficus exasperata in streptozotocin-induced rats
Diabetes mellitus, Ficus exasperata, insulin tolerance, lime juice, streptozotocinAbstract
Background: Diabetes is a chronic incapacitating illness that imposes a huge burden on global healthcare. The leaves of Ficus exasperata soaked in lime juice are adopted in folkloric unconventional medicine to treat diabetes. This study was aimed at determining the protective effect of lime juice extract of Ficus exasperata (LFE) in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes mellitus in rats.
Methods: LFE (50, 250, or 500mg/kg) or vehicle was administered before the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), insulin tolerance test (ITT), or after establishing diabetes mellitus in the STZ model, in rats. One-hour post-treatment on days 7 and 14, fasting blood glucose and weight were recorded, which was followed by assessment of biochemical, antioxidant and histological parameters. Results: LFE produced dose-dependent and significant control of glycemic index with peak effect at 500mg/kg in OGTT and ITT when compared with vehicle treated control. In addition, LFE also reversed STZ-induced hyperglycemia and oxidative stress in selected organs when compared with vehicle-treated control group. Similarly, STZ-induced hepatic damage, anemia, and immunosuppression were also reversed by LFE administration.
Conclusion: Findings from this study showed the beneficial effect of lime juice extract of Ficus exasperata in the management of diabetic mellitus through increase in antioxidant defense signaling
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