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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Editorial Policies and Scope:

The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy (ISSN 0331 670X) is published a minimum of twice a year. It is a peer reviewed journal designed to meet the continuing educational needs of pharmacists and related discipline in Nigeria, Africa and the international medical communities.

The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy is a publication of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy considers all manuscripts on the condition that they have not been previously published, nor are they submitted for consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy publishes original research papers, critical reviews, systematic reviews personal views and short communications in the following areas: Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutical/ Medicinal Chemistry and Analysis, Pharmacognosy, and Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Care, Medicines Management, Pharmacoeconomics, Industrial Pharmacy, Social and Administrative Pharmacy, Biomedical and other related disciplines.


To promote pharmacy practice research for the advancement of pharmacy profession.

To enhance the competencies of practicing pharmacists.

To provide an international forum for the communication and evaluation of data, methods and opinions in pharmacy practice and related disciplines.The financial implication per scientific publication is as follows:

As a member of PSN You will be paying N25,000 only– attach proof of payment of 2024 PSN National Capitation, and Current License.

For members not currently registered in this financial year (and non-pharmacists), payment is N45,000 only.

International authors are to pay $150

Payment to: 1012355551 / Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria / Zenith Bank 

Kindly send the proof of payment to this email for confirmation.

Manuscript Submission

The complete manuscript should be sent as an e-mail attachment


with the journal name and “Article Submission” in the subject line. A cover letter should accompany the submission and should be addressed to:

The Editor-in-Chief

Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy

Pharmacy House, 32, Faramobi Ajike, Street,

Anthony Village, Lagos, Nigeria

P.O Box 531, Mushin Lagos, Nigeri



Phone: +2348035959466

Manuscript Preparation

Review Article:  Maximum length of manuscripts should be 6000 words (24 pages, double-spaced)

Research Article: 5000 words (18 pages, double-spaced)

Technical notes, Commentaries and Short communications (Cameo): 1,500 (6 pages, double-spaced)

For other types of presentations, e.g. letters to the Editor, contact the Editor-in-Chief

Manuscript Format

The preferred format of all manuscripts is MS Word (Font type: Times New Roman, Font size: 12). Illustrations (figures) and images must be inserted in the manuscript at the position they should appear when published.

Manuscript Style

Manuscript should be written in English

Each manuscript should be typed double-spaced on A4 (8.5″ × 11″) paper size with 1 inch margins. It should be arranged in the following order:  Title, Abstract, Keywords (3 to 5), Introduction, Materials and Methods (Methods for Operational Research), Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, and References.

First page of manuscript

This should include the title of the article, authors’ names (First name, middle initial and then the last name of each author) and their affiliations. The corresponding author must provide the full corresponding address (including telephone and e-mail address) at the bottom of the page.

Second page of manuscript

The Abstract (no more than 350 words) should be presented in the second page along with title and keywords (4 to 6). The abstract should be structured into: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.


An introduction should provide a background to the study (appropriate for an international audience). Related literature based on the objectives of the study should be indicated, and clearly state the specific objectives of the study at the end of this section. Please ensure that any abbreviations and all symbols used in equations are fully defined. Approximate length: 500-1000 words.

 Materials and Methods (or Methods)

This section should describe the materials and methods used in sufficient detail to allow the study to be replicated. Please include details of ethical approval in this section. Methods of data analysis including the appropriate statistical analysis performed should be provided. Approximate length: 500-1000 words. Review Articles may not necessarily have a Materials and Methods section.


This section should first summarize all the results in text before referring to tables and figures for details. Please limit the number of tables and figures. It is essential to include statistical analyses or other indicators to enable assessment of the variance of replicates of the experiments. Data should not be repeated in figures and tables. Approximate length: 1000-1500 words. Review Articles may not necessarily have a Materials and Methods section.


The discussion section should summarize the main findings, interpret the findings, and compare with previous studies, as well as the contribution made to the field. Indicate unanswered questions/ provide direction for future research. This should be followed by a critique of the strengths and limitations of the research including any policy limitations. Approximate length: 1000 words. Review Articles may not necessarily have a Materials and Methods section.


A brief conclusions section should summarize the salient findings of the study based on the study objectives. Authors are strongly advised to emphasize the contribution made to the field by their study in this section. Approximate length: 200 words.

Review Articles may be structured along suitable segments of the review. However, an introduction and conclusion sections are required.


Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references and for correct text citation. Number references in the order they appear in the text; do not alphabetize. In text, including tables and legends, identify references with superscript Arabic numerals.

References should be typed single-spaced and numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text.

Names of all the authors should be indicated.

Arabic numerals (in superscript), e.g., 1, 1,3,5 or 1-4 should be used in citing references in the text.

Index Medicus Style of abbreviations should be used for journals cited.

For correct abbreviations visit

Unpublished work should not be included in the list of references.


1.Nderitu KW, Mwenda NS, Macharia NJ, Barasa SS, Ngugi MP. Antiobesity Activities of Methanolic extracts of Amaranthus dubiusCucurbita pepo, and Vigna unguiculata in Progesterone-Induced Obese Mice. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2017;2017:4317321

doi:10.1155/2017/4317321. Epub 2017 Aug 30. \

2. Hynes JS, Sales JM, Sheth AN, Lathrop E, Haddad LB. Interest in multipurpose prevention technologies to prevent HIV/STIs and unintended pregnancy among young women in the United States. Contraception. 2018 Mar; 97(3):277-284. doi:10.1016/j.contraception.2017.10.006. Epub 2017 Oct 18. 006

3. Friedland BA, Plagianos M, Savel C, Kallianes V, Martinez C, Begg L, Guthrie K M, Venkatasetty D, Pickett J, Haddad LB. Women Want Choices: Opinions from the Share. Learn. Shape Global Internet Survey About Multipurpose Prevention Technology (MPT) Products in Development. AIDS Behav 2023, 27 (7), 2190–2204. 022-03951-8.


McPhee SJ, Winker MA, Rabow MW, Pantilat SZ, Markowitz AJ, eds. Care at the Close of Life: Evidence and Experience. New York, NY: McGraw Hill Medical; 2011.

Online or website references

CDC/WHO 2005: HIV Rapid Testing training package CDC (WHO) training. Accessed September 20, 2016

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. CMS proposals to implement certain disclosure provisions of the Affordable Care Act. Accessed January 30, 2012


These should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Each table should be typed using a table format (i.e., each variable must be typed into a separate cell in the table) with only horizontal lines above and below the table column headers and at the bottom of the table (using 1 pt for the top and bottom lines and ½ pt for any middle line). No vertical lines should be included in any table. Each table MUST not exceed 6.5 x inches (16.5 x 17.8 cm, width x height) and MUST be inserted at the appropriate position in the text just below where it was referred to the first time. The title should be typed at the top of the table in the sentence case format, i.e., only the first name should be in capital letters; names should also be in capital letters, as appropriate. Any legend should be typed at the top and bottom of the table in italics.


Figures should be professionally drawn electronically and inserted in the appropriate position where it was first cited within the text. If photographs of patients are used, either the subjects are not identifiable, or their pictures must be accompanied by a written permission to use the images. Photographs must be clear and sharp. Labels of figure MUST be in text form at the bottom and MUST not form part of the image.


It is a condition of publication that authors grant the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria the exclusive license to publish all articles, including abstracts. Authors retain copyright of their work, which means they may re-use their work for non-commercial purposes without asking permission of the publisher. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.

 Ethical Matters

Authors using experimental animals and human subjects in their investigation must seek approval from the appropriate Ethical Committee in accordance with “Principles of Laboratory Animal Care” (NIH publication no. 85-23, revised 1985) and/or the Declaration of Helsinki promulgated in 1964 as amended in 1996. The Methods section must include a statement to prove that the investigation was approved and that informed consent was obtained.

 Galley Proofs

Unless indicated otherwise, galley proofs are sent to the email address given for corresponding author. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that the galley proofs are returned without delay.

Research Article

Section default policy

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.