About the Journal

Aim and Scope of the Journal

The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy (PSNNJP) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal which publishes original research articles, review articles and case studies on all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences and technologies, pharmacy practice and related clinical aspects, and pharmacy education. The journal publishes articles covering developments in drug absorption and metabolism, pharmacokinetics and dynamics, drug delivery systems, drug targeting and nanotechnology. It also covers development of new systems, methods, Clinical Pharmacy and techniques in pharmacy education and practice. PSNNJP provides a research, development and evaluation forum for communication between academic teachers, researchers and practitioners in professional and pharmacy education, with an emphasis on new and established teaching and learning methods, new curriculum and syllabus directions, educational outcomes, guidance on structuring courses and assessing achievement, and workforce development with a view to an all inclusive and intertwined view of Pharmacy from the perspective of the Industry, Hospital (Clinical and Administration), Community and policy makers.

In addition we are Currently working towards being listed in AJOL, EBSCO, and indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI - Web of Science)

The Peer Review Process

The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy has adopted a double-blind peer review process - the identities of the Authors and Reviewers are kept from being known to each other. A step-by-step checklist is provided for Authors, Reviewers and Editors to ensure this (see Ensuring a Blind Review).

Peer Review Process: Once a submission is received, the assigned Editor will select appropriate Reviewers based on their expertise and proven ability to critique. The peer reviews received will assist the Editor in determining the validity, significance and originality of the work submitted. Reviewers will also provide comment on manuscript content for scientific value, check for adherence to general scientific practice as well as Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy specific guidelines. The Peer Review process will look closely at methodology and the data validity, and consider the ethical approach. Reviewers are encouraged to provide suggestions for improvement and recommend to Editors if manuscripts should be accepted, accepted with revisions, or rejected.

Please note that an invitation for Authors to submit a revised version is not a guarantee of acceptance. Ultimately, the final decision lies with the Editor assigned to each submission. An Editor can reject any article at any time before publication, including after acceptance if concerns arise about the integrity of the work.

As part of their agreement with Nigerian Journal of PharmacyReviewers will keep manuscripts and associated material strictly confidential, and will not appropriate Authors’ ideas before the manuscript is published. Once a review has been completed, Reviewers will be directed and expected to permanently delete/destroy any retained copies of manuscripts they hold.

Timeliness: Reviewers are expected to respond promptly to requests to review and to submit reviews within the time agreed. Reviewers are also required to declare their conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from the Peer Review process if a conflict exists. Editors will do their utmost to ensure timely processing of manuscripts. Authors will be notified on any unusual delays in publication of manuscripts via email. Authors will ne notified as soon as possible if a manuscript is going to be rejected, either by the Journal Manager or Editorial Team. 

Manuscript Submission

The complete manuscript should be sent as an e-mail attachment to: pharmacyjournal@yahoo.com with the journal name and “Article Submission” in the subject line. A cover letter should accompany the submission and should be addressed to:

The Editor-in-Chief

Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy
Pharmacy House, 32, Faramobi Ajike, Street,
Anthony Village, Lagos, Nigeria
P.O Box 531, Mushin Lagos, Nigeria
E-mail: pharmacyjournal@yahoo.com
Phone: +2348035958466

See more information on the Instructions to Authors page.

The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy is a publication of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria. The Editor-in-Chief of the Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy is an elected officer of PSN.