Evaluation of Quality of Tobacco Cigarette and Implications to Public Health
Cigarette, Public Health, Quality, TobaccoAbstract
Introduction: Tobacco cigarette smoking is a serious public health issue, killing more than 8 million people a year around the world. More than 7 million of those deaths are the results of direct tobacco use. The increasing prevalence of tobacco consumption in developing countries is associated with aggressive marketing strategies, employed by the tobacco industry, despite initiatives like the Nigeria ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in 2005, and in 2015 signed into law the National Tobacco Control (NTC) Act that regulates all aspects of tobacco control including advertising, packaging, and smoke-free.
Method: The literature search for this scoping review was conducted on Google Scholar, ResearchGate and PubMed web databases using the following phrases and keywords: Quality Assessments of Tobacco cigarettes, Public Health Impact of Cigarette Smoking, Tobacco, Composition of Tobacco Cigarettes and Methods of analysis of Tobacco. Only publications that had full open access for complete manuscript and publication year within the period 1983 to 2022 were included in review.
Results: Understanding the composition of these cigarettes is essential for comprehending the health risks associated with smoking and second-hand smoke exposure. It also enables the development of effective tobacco control measures and policies to protect public health and reduce the impact of tobacco-related diseases on individuals and communities. Findings from this review indicated that most individuals especially the adolescent in Nigeria have knowledge about the health setbacks of cigarette smoking.
Conclusion: To ensure that less attraction to the lifestyle of tobacco product smoking, governments, stakeholders, media, charities, and healthcare providers must work together. The development of more responsive policies and time to time sensitization of the health negative effects of cigarette smoking at institutional levels such as Schools, religious centres, would be a panacea to curving the menace
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