Contraception Methods, Usage and Satisfaction among Women of Reproductive Age in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria



Contraceptive, methods, knowledge, women, reproductive
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Background: Low contraceptive practice is a significant factor that has contributed to unsafe abortions, high risk pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections and expansive population growth globally and in Nigeria. This research assessed knowledge of contraception and contraceptive practices among women of child bearing age, as well as their chosen contraceptive techniques and reasons for their decisions.

Methods: Three hundred and seventeen respondents were included in this community-based crosssectional survey were chosen using a multistage sampling procedure. A validated and pretested questionnaire was employed to collect the required information from the respondent and association between the use of contraceptives and other factors were evaluated with the Fischer's exact test.

Results: Contraceptive awareness among women of reproductive age in Abraka was quite high (98.4%) and 76% of the respondents had good contraceptive knowledge. The most preferred and used contraceptive was condom (28.36%), the reasons for selection of their preferred contraceptive method was mainly because of its safety (32.31%) and its reliability in preventing pregnancy (17.83%). Feeling of decreased pleasure was the key reason for non-use of condoms (32.92%), while fear of hormonal dysfunction (14.9%) and intolerable side effects (12.95%) were the major reasons for nonuse of other contraceptives.

Conclusion: The respondents in this study had relatively good knowledge and awareness of contraceptives, however, contraceptive usage was low. Long term and contemporary contraceptive techniques were sparingly used with fear of hormonal dysfunction being the major reason for lack of use among the respondents. Ultimately, most of the users expressed satisfaction with their preferred chosen contraception method. 


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How to Cite

Aghoja, O. C., Ahwinhwi, U. S., Arute, J. E., & Isama, A. C. (2023). Contraception Methods, Usage and Satisfaction among Women of Reproductive Age in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria: The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 57(2), 741–746. Retrieved from