The Public Health Consequences of Substandard Medicines in Nigeria
Substandard, M e d i c i n e, Public Health, NigeriaAbstract
Introduction: Poor-quality medicines are a serious public health issue, especially in emerging economies and developing countries, and can have a significant impact on the national clinical and economic burden. Although much attention has been focused on the increasing availability of intentionally falsified drugs, substandard medicines are also reaching patients as a result of poor manufacturing and quality-control practices in the manufacture of genuine drugs (either branded or generic). Substandard medicines are common and pose a health risk because they can inadvertently lead to healthcare failures such as antibiotic resistance and disease spread within a community, as well as death or additional illness in individuals.
Conclusion: The potential solutions to substandard manufacturing practices are also discussed. To ensure that only drugs of acceptable quality reach the patient, governments, drug manufacturers, charities, and healthcare providers must work together.
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