A cross sectional survey on blood pressure screening at World Hypertension Day Commemoration Health Outreach among adult residents of Life Camp, Abuja, Nigeria



  • Abubakar Danraka National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development Abuja https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5147-7517
  • Ifeanyi Ikebudu Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria (PSN) Abuja Branch
  • Ene Daniel-Ebune Pharmacists Council of Nigeria
  • Olubukola Tikare Federal Medical Centre Jabi-Abuja
  • Akande Abdulmujeeb National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development Abuja


health awareness, health outreach, gender, age, BP, Blood Pressure
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Background: Hypertension is the most common non-communicable and the leading cause of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Nigeria putting a significant strain on families and the country's limited health-care resources. One major issue affecting Nigeria's response to this burden is a lack of awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension. Research findings show that high blood pressure is frequently diagnosed as an incidental finding in people who are seeking treatment for
unrelated ailments. Reports also indicate that a nationwide measure to facilitate regular screening and detection of high blood pressure is still lacking. The World Health Organization, however, emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about high blood pressure to reduce the overall burden of the disease. The purpose of this study was to carry out a survey of BP measurements among volunteering adults and examine the relationship, if any, between BPand their age and gender.

Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted among adults who voluntarily attended a Health Awareness Talk. Participants were informed of the BP measurement to be carried out. Those who indicated interest and gave their consent had their B.P and pulse rate measured. Statistical analysis was then carried out using SPSS.

Results: Majority (73.3%, n=120) of the participants were male with the dominant age group being 36 – 50 years (44.2%). While 50% of respondents had normal BP, more than 90% had normal pulse rates. Cross tabulations of gender against BP showed that about 51% of males had higher than normal BP readings compared to 47% of females. Cross tabulations of age against BP readings showed that the age group of 51 years and above had the highest percentage of BPreadings greater than normal.

Conclusion: Blood Pressure readings were found to be highest in the oldest age group and for the male gender.Although these associations were statistically insignificant, more in-depth studies are required to further prove these findings.


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How to Cite

Danraka, A. ., Ikebudu, I. ., Daniel-Ebune, E. ., Tikare, O. ., & Abdulmujeeb, A. . (2022). A cross sectional survey on blood pressure screening at World Hypertension Day Commemoration Health Outreach among adult residents of Life Camp, Abuja, Nigeria: https://doi.org/10.51412/psnnjp.2022.40. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 56(2). Retrieved from https://psnnjp.org/index.php/home/article/view/302