Anti-Dyslipidemic Effects Of Pleurotusostreatus (Oyster Mushroom) In Diet-Induced Hyperlipidemic Mice.
Oyster mushrooms, Pleurotusostratus, dyslipidemia, hyperlipidemiaAbstract
Background: Only a few antidyslipidemic drugs are currently available in clinical practice for the prophylactic control of ischemic stroke and coronary heart diseases. Fungal secondary metabolism remains a veritable repertoire for the discovery of new ones. This study was aimed at evaluating a methanol crude extract of the fungus, Pleurotusostreatus (oyster mushroom), and its fractions for their potential anti-dyslipidemic activities in high fat diet-induced models of dyslipidemia.
Methods: A methanol extract of Pleurotusostratus, obtained by cold maceration, was subjected to phytochemical screenings and triturated in succession into dichloromethane and methanol to obtain non-polar and polar fractions respectively. Each of the extract and the fractions was subjected to antidyslipidemic assay in vivo in mice by measuring their effects on diet-induced hyperlipidemic
mice using plasma Total Cholesterol (TC), Very Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDLC), Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC), High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC) and triglycerides (TG) concentration changes as biomarkers, 2O/atw€'en 2o and z5mg/Kg
artovastatin being negative (i.e., dyslipidemic) and positive controls respectively.
Results: ANOVA comparison of the test groups mean values of these biomarkers with those of the dyslipidemic control group showed that the crude extract significantly reduced plasma TC (p < o.oz), LDLC (p < o.oooz), TG and VLDLC (p < o.of), and significantly increased HDLC(p < o.of). In addition, the non-polarfraction significantly reduced plasma TG and VLDLC(p < o.oz) and significantly elevated HDLC (p < o.oooz) while the polar fraction had significant reduction effects on the TC and LDLC plasma concentrations(p < o.oz).
Conclusion: The methanol crude extract of Pleurotusostratusde monstrated antidyslipidemic activity, reversing all the biomarkers of dyslipidemia in diet-induced hyperlipidemic mice. The effect on the biomarkers appeared separated, though, with fractionation, the non-polar fraction reversing the TG, VLDLC and HDLC and the polar fraction the TC and LDLC parameters. Pleurotusoestratus could
therefore be explored for the discovery of new anti-dyslipidemic drugs.
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