Medicine Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Improving Access to Drugs Via Utilization of Novel Technologies


  • Emmanuella Iwuchukwu Department Of Medicine Information Centre, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria. Faramobi Ajike Street Anthony Village Lagos.
  • Ignatius Anukwu Alpha Pharmacy and Stores Limited, 2B Alabi Street Ikeja Nigeria.
  • Margaret Ilomuanya Department Of Medicine Information Centre, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria. Faramobi Ajike Street Anthony Village Lagos.


Medicines Security, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Health Technologies
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Background: Providing all citizens with fair and equitable access to healthcare remains one of the most challenging issues facing most African countries today. The health indices of the Sub-Saharan Africa show how much it is lacking in managing and properly funding its health sector. The rates of maternal and newborn mortality continue to be the highest and the lowest life expectancy on a global scale. Millions of Africans continue to perish from diseases that are treatable and avoidable, including such as viral diarrhea and malaria. In the last few decades, novel drug delivery technologies have emerged and evolved into various drug delivery systems with various drug release mechanisms. This has altered the way individuals now access medications. Presently, several creative approaches, based on partnerships, intellectual property, and technology are used to stimulate innovation, promote healthcare delivery, and reduce global health disparities. The purpose of this study is to review the Medicine Security in Sub-Saharan Africa and proffer recommendations on how access to drugs can be improved via utilization of novel technologies.

Method: A review of the Medicine Security in Sub-Saharan Africa was focused on underlining novel technologies that will improve access to drug.

Result: Recommendations were suggested to improve drug access via novel technologies in SubSaharanAfrica.

Conclusion: Making sure that patients have timely and affordable access to safe and effective medicines, stimulating innovation by providing incentives for research that will lead to innovative medicines that effectively target real therapeutic needs, and safeguarding sustainability by developing the mechanisms to purchase these medicines at affordable prices in order to protect the
sustainability of pharmaceutical budgets are essential to improving access to drugs within SubSaharan Africa.

Author Biography

Margaret Ilomuanya, Department Of Medicine Information Centre, Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria. Faramobi Ajike Street Anthony Village Lagos.

Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos.


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How to Cite

Iwuchukwu, E. ., Anukwu, I., & Ilomuanya, M. . (2022). Medicine Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Improving Access to Drugs Via Utilization of Novel Technologies: The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 56(2). Retrieved from