Challenges To Documentation Among Community Pharmacists In Lagos State, Nigeria.


  • Ngozika Okoye, V. Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy,
  • Bolajoko Aina, A. Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy,
  • Arinola Joda, A. Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy,


documentation, pharmacists, challenges, community pharmacies
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Introduction: Community pharmacists are reported to have poor documentation behaviour. The aim of this study was to identify challenges to documentation among community pharmacists in Lagos State.

Method: The study was descriptive. Five hundred and twelve community pharmacists were invited to a brainstorming session on challenges to documentation in community pharmacies through messages on the whatsapp platform of Association of Community Pharmacists of Nigeria, Lagos State. The 126 community pharmacists who came for the brainstorming session were selected for the study.The participants were asked to list in writing and discuss the challenges they encountered with documentation in their respective pharmacies and the measures they take to overcome such challenges. Data was analyzed thematically.

Results: The written responses of the participants were collated into four themes. The challenges to documentation were ascribed to human, facility, overwhelming issues and government factors by 51.6%, 48.4%, 37.3% and 9.5% of the participants, respectively.These challenges include inadequate staff, inadequate documentation materials and procedures, inadequate time and poor power supply. Measures to overcome these challenges were, similarly, directed at the staff, facility, overwhelming and government factors as reported by 35.7%, 22.2%, 21.7% and 12.7% of the participants, respectively. Participants reported that they would overcome these challenges by providing training for pharmacists, more time for interaction with patients, documentation materials, more delegation and alternative power supply.

Conclusion: Community pharmacists in the study reported that they were faced with many challenges that emanate from human, facility, overwhelming issues and government factors. Standard documentation protocol and tool would go a long way to alleviate challenges to documentation among community pharmacists in Lagos State.

Author Biographies

Ngozika Okoye, V. , Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy,

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos.

Bolajoko Aina, A. , Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy,

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos.

Arinola Joda, A., Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy,

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos.


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How to Cite

Okoye, V. , N., Aina, A. , B., & Joda, A., . A. (2019). Challenges To Documentation Among Community Pharmacists In Lagos State, Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 53(2). Retrieved from