Health care provider perspective on the burden and awareness of Hepatitis B and C in Kafanchan, Kaduna state Nigeria.


  • Johnson Ogwuche Ogira Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bingham University, Karu Nasarawa State Nigeria
  • Ruth Onyema Odoh Department of Political science, University of Jos, Plateau State Nigeria.
  • Ise Uduak Peter 3Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bingham University, Karu Nasarawa State Nigeria.
  • Victor Olusegun Awoniyi Pharmaceutical Association of Nigerian Students, Bingham University, Karu Nasarawa State Nigeria.
  • Moses Attahghen Akuki College of strategic learning and health Technology Kauchikau, Karu Nasarawa State Nigeria.


Hepatotropic Viruses, Hepatitis Awareness, Hepatitis B and C
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Background: Viruses that target the liver primarily are described as hepatotropic viruses, with each of them causing clinically  signifificant hepatitis and in some cases to the development of chronic viral hepatitis with viral persistence. Six human viruses have  been identifified, including hepatitis AB C and D (HDV), with the potential to cause acute inflflammation of the liver, resulting in acute  hepatitis carcinoma. This study determined the healthcare provider's view of awareness of hepatitis B and C in Kafanchan, Kaduna  state, Nigeria with emphases on hepatis B due to its prevalence. 

Result: Majority of respondents who fifilled the questioner was 30 years, representing 46.0 %, 65.0 % of respondents were male, while  35.0 % were females. Seventy-eight percent (116) of respondents reported that Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B awareness was not enough  while 13 % (20) indicated that the awareness is enough. Majority of the respondents (97.01 %) said a cure exists for HCVand HBV, while 19.5 % said there was no cure.  

Conclusion This survey conducted among healthcare providers, reveals the level of awareness of HBVand HCVinfection in Kafanchan  Kaduna state and from the above data, it is clear that the level of awareness is not enough therefore, more awareness strategy be put  in place for effffective information.   

Author Biography

Johnson Ogwuche Ogira, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bingham University, Karu Nasarawa State Nigeria




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How to Cite

Ogira, J. O., Odoh, R. O., Peter, I. U., Awoniyi, V. O., & Akuki, M. A. (2023). Health care provider perspective on the burden and awareness of Hepatitis B and C in Kafanchan, Kaduna state Nigeria.: The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 57(1), 532–540. Retrieved from