Rheological And Emulsifying Properties Of Some Naturally Occurring Polysaccharides Ii: Polysaccharide In Irvingia Gabonensis, Irvingiaceae


  • O. K. Udeala Department of Pharmacy, Universrty of Nigeria, Nsukka.
  • C. O. Chiori Department of Pharmacy, Universrty of Nigeria, Nsukka.
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The work reported in this paper is a part of the screening for useful naturally occurring emulsifying and thickening agents.
lrvingla gabonensia. Irvingiaceae var. excelsia is an evergreen tre found in the rain forests of Nigeria. It extends from Senegal to the Sudan and Southwards to Angola (Keay, Onochie and Stanfield, 1964). The cotyledons are used primarily as thickner in food. This gum or polyrnerous substance has been shown to contain a reasonably high amount of protein (lrvine, 1961). The
polymerous substance seems to aid the dispersion of its high concentration of fixed oils in water. The oil from the seed has been described as being superior to cocoa butter and is often used as adulterant in confectionery (Daiziel, 1948). Already, there is indication that this oil might be agood suppository base superior to cocoa butter (Udeala and Ebiennang, 1977).

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How to Cite

Udeala, O. K. ., & Chiori, C. O. . (1979). Rheological And Emulsifying Properties Of Some Naturally Occurring Polysaccharides Ii: Polysaccharide In Irvingia Gabonensis, Irvingiaceae. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 10(4). Retrieved from https://psnnjp.org/index.php/home/article/view/341