Using Blended-Learning Approach to Improve Education on Antimicrobial Stewardship for Healthcare Providers in Abia State (Nigeria): Study Protocol
Nigeria, Antimicrobial stewardship, Nonprescription drugs, Antibiotics resistanceAbstract
Background: Antimicrobial resistance is on the rise in Nigeria and globally. Antimicrobial stewardship training programs for healthcare professionals are evidence-based and cost-effffective means of curbing antimicrobial resistance. The purpose of this training is to understand the current landscape of antibiotics use in Abia State of Nigeria. The study also aims to develop and deliver antimicrobial stewardship training using a blended learning approach for health professionals and patent medicine vendors in Abia State Nigeria.
Methods: This study will involve health professionals who typically prescribe, dispense, or conduct tests on antibiotics, as well as students in relevant undergraduate programs. Participants will be recruited from Abia State, although the course is open to people from other parts of Nigeria. Patent medicine dealers in the 17 local government areas of Abia State will be recruited through their various organizations. Six modules of online courses lasting 6 weeks and a 3-day face-to-face will be organized and participants assessed using a series of pre and post-tests. scores.
Expected Results: We expect that health professionals and patent medicine vendors will have improved knowledge and competence in handling antimicrobials and make practice changes whilst also establishing antimicrobial stewardship programs in their localities.
Conclusion: This training will equip participants with requisite skills in the use of antimicrobial and reduction of antibiotic resistance in Abia State and Nigeria as a whole.
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