Effect Of Methanol Extract Of Sida Corymbosa Leaves On Lead Acetate-Induced Hepatotoxicity, Hematological And Biochemical Alteration In Male Wistar Rats
Sida corymbosa, antioxidant, hepatotoxicity, hemolytic anemia, lead acetateAbstract
Background: Detrimental effects of environmental and industrial lead exposure on biochemical and physiological dysfunctions are well documented. Sida corymbosa plant is a common weed in Nigeria with recognized medicinal values. Thus, the present study examined the effects of methanol extract of Sida corymbosa leaves (MSC) on lead acetate-induced hepatotoxicity, hematological and biochemical alteration in male Wistar rats.
Methods: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to identify different compounds present in MSC. Thirty male Wistar rats were grouped into six (n=5) as follow; Control, 15mg/kg lead acetate (PbAc), 100 mg/kg MSC, 200 mg/kg MSC, PbAc plus 100 mg/kg MSC and PbAc plus 200 mg/kg MSC. All the administration was done orally for 54 days. Blood and liver samples were obtained for hematological, liver biochemical, antioxidant and histopathological assays.
Results: Total phenol content in MSC was signiecantly (p<0.05) high. The GC-MS analysis of MSC showed the presence of twenty-four compounds. The leukocyte, lymphocytes, monocyte, granulocytes counts, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase activities and malondialdehyde were signiecantly increased (p<0.05) in PbAc group. The erythrocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities were signiecantly reduced (p<0.05) in PbAc group compared to the control group. The liver histology showed significant alteration in PbAc group. The MSC signiecantly reversed (p<0.05) PbAc alteration on hematological, biochemical, oxidant, antioxidant enzymes activities and histological alterations in the liver.
Conclusion: The methanol extract of Sida corymbosa leaves possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds and may have a potent in-vitro antioxidant capacity that may be responsible for its ameliorative effects on lead acetate-induced hepatotoxicity, hematological and biochemical alterations in male Wistar rats.
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