Dioscorea Dumetorum and Silicified Oryza Sativa Starch Conjugates as Directly Compressible Excipients
Silicified oryza sativa, Conjugated excipients, Co-processing, Paracetamol Tablets, Enhanced FunctionalityAbstract
Background: Physical or chemical modification and co-processing, in a bid to enhance excipient functionality, have been increasingly carried out on native starches in tableting technology. In this study, starch obtained from oryza sativa (Family: Poaceae) has been modified by silicification and co-processed with starch obtained from Dioscorea dumetorum, (Family: Dioscoreaceae), in comparison with Prosolv+AK4- (silicified micro crystalline cellulose).
Methods: Silicified oryza sativa starch (SOsS) was conjugated with Dioscorea dumetorum starch (DdS) to obtain "SOsS:DdS (1:1)". The starches [SOsS, DdS, SOsS:DdS (1:1)] were characterized using Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM), FTIR spectroscopy, density measurements, angle of repose, Carr's Indices and Hausner's ratios. Thee starches (or Prosolv) were incorporated as disintegrants in paracetamol tablet formulations at concentrations of 10%-w/w - 25%-w/w. Crushing strength, Friability and Disintegration tests were used as tablet assessment criteria.
Results: Thee SEM indicates that enhanced thermal agglomeration during silicification increased in the particle size of Oryza sativa starch, while the FTIR spectra of SOsS:DdS (1:1) shows an intense broadening of the peaks occurring at 2356.70 cm-1, 2092.31 cm-1 and 1942.28cm-1 for Dds and at 2930.10cm-1, 2353.88cm-1 and 2073.63cm-1 for SOsS, though major characteristic peaks of native starches were retained. Thee ranking of the density measurements and angles of repose were DdS > SOsS:DdS (1:1)>SOsS, while Carr's indices and Hausner's ratios show that the compressibility of Dds was significantly enhanced. Thee crushing strength for tablets was of the order Prosolv>Dds>SOsS:DdS (1:1)> SOsS. Friability was in the reverse order. Disintegration times were generally similar between tablets containing SOsS (alone or conjugated) and Prosolv.
Conclusion: Conjugation of silicified oryza sativa and Dioscorea dumetorumstarches showed better disintegrant properties than the native starch which are comparable with Prosolv.
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