Effect of Antimicrobial Resistance in the Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections
cost of antimicrobials, antimicrobial resistance, Sexually transmitted infectionsAbstract
Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STDs) are hyperendemic in many developing countries where the diagnostic tools and treatment are usually poor. The constant abuse and misuse of antimicrobials have contributed to the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the treatment of STIs. In this review, we looked broadly at the epidemiology of STIs, causative factors,
surveillance reports on AMR, and antimicrobial stewardship, among others.
Methods: Using pertinent keywords like "antimicrobial resistance", "sexually transmitted infections", "treatment effectiveness", and similar terms, the databases of Google Scholar, PubMed, Embase, and the Cochrane Library were searched.
Conclusion: Antimicrobial stewardship implementation is important for the reduction of antimicrobial resistance. In the treatment of sexually transmitted infections, antimicrobial resistance has made it hard with increased morbidity and recurrence. The prevalence of STI's and AMR can be reduced through proper sensitization and health professionals ensuring that antibiotics are used at the
right time, for the right indication, right dose and right dosage form.
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