Contraception Knowledge and Use Consistency among Female undergraduates in two North-East States, Nigeria
Undergraduates, Consistency, Knowledge, Contraceptive, ContraceptionAbstract
Background: Unsafe sexual intercourse can lead to negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes. Contraception is an important intervention to prevent these damaging effects. This study accessed the contraceptive knowledge and use consistency by female undergraduate students in two North-East States, Nigeria to close existing unmet needs for sexually active teenagers and young adults.
Methods: The study was an institutional-based cross-sectional survey. Amultistage sampling method was used to select 299 female students from two universities in North-East, Nigeria. A structured, interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to elicit information on respondent's sociodemographics, knowledge, and regularity of contraceptives use. Data analysis was done with p-value at 0.05.
Results: One hundred and fifty-five (51.8%) respondents had good knowledge of contraception. The contraceptives most known were; Condoms (60.9%), implants (52.8%), and Oral pills (51.8%). While two-thirds of the respondents were sexually active, only 38.9% of them consistently use contraceptives. Marital status (AOR= 0.09, 95% CI = 0.01–0.79) and students' place of residence (AOR= 2.63, 95% CI = 1.27-5.41) significantly predicted consistent contraceptive use.
Conclusion: Knowledge of contraceptives among undergraduates was inadequate. Its consistent use among sexually active ones is lacking. There is a need to strengthen and expand existing social and behavioural change communication by utilizing new media to promote key contraceptive information.
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