Reconstituting The Pharmacists’ Council Of Nigeria To Meet The Present Day Challenges In Pharmacy Practice


  • Moses Tombu Iorngurum Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, ldi-Araba.
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The Pharmacists’ Council of Nigeria, as established by Decree 91 of 1992, is a specialized agency of the federal government that has the responsibility to regulate and control the practice of the pharmacy profession in all its aspects and ramifications. Its establishment marks both honour and independence to the pharmacy profession but this confers serious national responsibility that must be effectively discharged, with efficiency and creativity, in serving the health needs of the Nigerian community.

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Author Biography

Moses Tombu Iorngurum, Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, ldi-Araba.




How to Cite

Iorngurum, M. T. . (2004). Reconstituting The Pharmacists’ Council Of Nigeria To Meet The Present Day Challenges In Pharmacy Practice. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 35(1). Retrieved from