Plasto-Elastic Behaviour Of Gladiolus Starch Derived Pyrodextrin (GSDD) - PVP Cogranulates During Compaction


  • A. A. Attama Drug Delivery Research Unit, Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Nigeria
  • M. U. Adikwu Drug Delivery Research Unit, Department of Pharmaceutics, University of Nigeria


Gladiolus starch, pyrodextrins, Avicel, cogranulate, plastoelosticity
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The compaction behaviour of gladiolus tarch derived pyradextrins (GSDD) and their cogranulates with polyvinyl pyrralidone (PVP) was studied. Purified starch was extracted from the corms of Gladiolus actinamorphanthus plant and later dextrinized at two conditions to produce two batches of pyrodextrins. The plastoelasticity of the pyrodextrins and their cogranulates with PVP was determined using standard procedures. Result of the study indicated that these pyrodextrins alone had high elastic recoveries, which were reduced on cogranulatian with PVP. All the cagranulates showed predominant plastic behaviour.

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How to Cite

Attama , A. A., & Adikwu, M. U. (2004). Plasto-Elastic Behaviour Of Gladiolus Starch Derived Pyrodextrin (GSDD) - PVP Cogranulates During Compaction. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 36(1). Retrieved from