Investigation Of Anti-Inflammatory Activity Of Fractions From The Methanol Extracts Of The Leaf Of Tetrapleura Tetraptera (Schumach & Thonn) Taub


  • Gloria A. Ayoola Department of Pharmaceutical chemistry,
  • Olumoyegun Adeleke Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
  • Oluwatosin O. Johnson Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
  • David K. Adeyemi Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,


Anti-inflammatory, albumin denaturation, fractions, membrane stabilization, Tetrapleura tetrapteraleaf
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Background: Tetrapleura tetraptera (Schumach & Thonn) Taub has many folklore uses mainly in the management ofBackground: convulsion, leprosy, inflammation and rheumatic pains, schistosomiasis, asthma and hypertension. This study was focused
at investigating the anti-inflammatory activitys of various fractions from the methanol extract of Tetrapleura tetraptera.

Methods: The methanol extract was obtained by cold maceration, and the fractions were carried out by liquid-liquid
extraction procedure. Anti-inflammatory activities were evaluated using two acute anti-inflammatory models: Inhibition of
albumin denaturation and Membrane stabilization test.

Results: The results indicate that the different solvent fractions (n-hexane, ethylacetate, chloroform, butanol and aqueous)
ofTetrapleura tetrapteraleaf possess varying anti-inflammatory activity; at stabilizing the Red Blood Cells membrane at
concentration of 200 and 1000 µg/ml respectively. The aqueous extract exhibited maximum inhibition (77.84%) at the
concentration of 1000 µg/ml followed by (75.33 %) at 200µg/ml then n-hexane fraction (70.58 %) at 1000µg/ml while the ethyl
acetate fraction was the least active at both concentrations. Only the aqueous fraction was active atinhibiting the heat
induced albumin denaturation with a maximum inhibition of 63.91 % at 200 μg/ml.

Conclusion: These findings offer pharmacological support to the suggested folkloric uses of Tetrapleura tetrapteraleaf in the
management of inflammatory conditions, in south-western communities in Nigeria

Author Biographies

Gloria A. Ayoola, Department of Pharmaceutical chemistry,

Faculty of Pharmacy University of Lagos, Nigeria.

Olumoyegun Adeleke, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,

Faculty of Pharmacy University of Lagos, Nigeria.

Oluwatosin O. Johnson, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,

Faculty of Pharmacy University of Lagos, Nigeria.

David K. Adeyemi, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,

Faculty of Pharmacy University of Lagos, Nigeria.


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How to Cite

A. Ayoola, G. ., Adeleke, O. ., O. Johnson, O. ., & K. Adeyemi, D. . (2018). Investigation Of Anti-Inflammatory Activity Of Fractions From The Methanol Extracts Of The Leaf Of Tetrapleura Tetraptera (Schumach & Thonn) Taub. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 52(1). Retrieved from