Preparation Or Paracetamol From Phenol I


  • Q. Salako Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Medicine of the University of Lagos Idi-Araba, Lagos
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Paracetamol is one of the most heavily prescribed and purchased analgesics in Nigeria. However, a fortune of foreign exchange is lost by the country annually from its importation because the basic raw materials are not locally avdilable. Now in the wake of petrochemical production within the country, about 30,000 metric tonnes of phenol are to be produced yearly by the Kaduna Plant. It will therefore be proper to start tesrirtg tire feasibility of synthesizing this drug from such basic molecules, with a view to establishing optimum reaction conditions for large scale manufacturing.

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Author Biography

Q. Salako, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Medicine of the University of Lagos Idi-Araba, Lagos




How to Cite

Salako, Q. . (1989). Preparation Or Paracetamol From Phenol I. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 20(1). Retrieved from