Ethical Practices And Pharmaceutical Development


  • C. O. Ogah Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria
  • A. Ogbeche Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria
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Pharmacy as a profession  has gone through a number at developmental changes requiring a change in the focus of practice from products and biological systems to patients’ well-being. To bring about this change in practice focus, reprofessionalisation will be necessary and proiessional ethics will play a big role in achieving this. A general review at developments in pharmacy practice from the early years to the present day practice is presented. The subject at professional ethics is discussed in relation to pharmacy practice, with particuliur reference to the Nigerian situation. There is also a peep at what the future holds in store tor pharmacy and suggestions are made tor improving on the resent situation. It is conclucled that pharmacy practice has evolved a great deal and that professional ethics are a significant aspect at pharmacy practice. It is also concluded that the pharmacist must acquire knowledge of drugs and update himself continuously in order to play his role at ensuring safe and effective use of drugs.

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How to Cite

Ogah , C. O., & Ogbeche , A. (2001). Ethical Practices And Pharmaceutical Development. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 32(2). Retrieved from