United Nations And Its Organization For The Drug Control


  • G. L. Eradiri Niger Bay Pharmacy, Port Harcourt
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The United Nations Organisation (U.N.O.) came into existence in 1945 soon after the end of the second World War. The peoples of the nations had become tired of an orgy of self-destruction and started to search for a better world. ln San Francisco in 1945, The United Nations Conference on international Organisation recognised that a common endeavour to promote the health of all peoples without distinction of race, religion, or political adherence, offered one of the most promising paths to the promotion of peace and security. Cardinal spellman in 1945 also declared -“Medicine is one of the Pillars of peace".

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Author Biography

G. L. Eradiri, Niger Bay Pharmacy, Port Harcourt






How to Cite

Eradiri, G. L. . (1975). United Nations And Its Organization For The Drug Control. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 6(2), 312–318. Retrieved from https://psnnjp.org/index.php/home/article/view/202