Barriers To Medication Counseling In Community Pharmacies In Lagos South West Nigeria


  • Wale T. Ajiboye Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, Lagos State Nigeria
  • Bola A. Aina Fola Tayo West African Postgraduate College of Pharmacy, Yaba, Lagos
  • Abdulganiyu Giwa Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Illorin., Kwara State, Nigeria


medication counselling, barriers, community pharmacists, community pharmacy
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The provision of medication counselling has the potential to improve both the selection and use of OTC medications, and the use of prescription medications in the community pharmacy. Studies have demonstrated deficiencies in provision of medication in community pharmacies indeveloping countries but most of the studies did not identify factors responsible for the observed practice. The aim of this study was to identify community pharmacists‘ perceived barriers to medicationcounseilingandstrategies that can be used to improve the practice.


Self-completed questionnaires were distributed to 265 community pharmacists in 224 selected community pharmacies in Lagos State South West Nigeria. 

(See the download for a complete Abstract)




How to Cite

Ajiboye, W. T. ., Fola Tayo, B. A. A., & Giwa, A. . (2014). Barriers To Medication Counseling In Community Pharmacies In Lagos South West Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 48(2). Retrieved from