Pharmacists' knowledge and practice with respect to coronavirus disease 2019 caused by SARS-CoV-2


  • Olubusola A. Olugbake Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy,
  • Adaobi U. Mosanya Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Management,
  • Foluke A. Ayeni Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy,
  • Arinola E. Joda Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy,
  • Olubukola O. Oyetunde Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy,
  • Felicia E. Williams Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy,
  • Oladoja A. Awofisayo Department of Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry,
  • Mutiat B. Ibrahim Department of Pharmacognosy,


Pharmacists, COVID-19 disease, Knowledge, Practice, Pandemic
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Background: The World Health Organisation in December, 2019 declared COVID-19 pandemic a disease of public health importance. It is however predicted by experts that the COVID-19 disease will eventually become an endemic disease, once enough people have developed immunity to COVID-19 either through vaccination or infection. The infection caused by the virus produce symptoms which necessitates professional healthcare. Pharmacists are frontline health care workers, often the fifirst port of call by patients when unwell. Knowledge of pharmacists impart on patient care and public health dissemination of information. This study assessed knowledge and practice of pharmacists in Nigeria with regards to COVID-19 disease.

Methods:Anationwide cross-sectional study was conducted among pharmacists in different practice settings in Nigeria using a snowball sampling technique. Pharmacists' demography, knowledge and practice due to COVID-19 pandemic was obtained with the aid of a semi- structured online questionnaire. Data collected were subjected to descriptive analysis. Each correct answer in the different subthemes generated was scored and transformed into ranges and percentiles.

Results: A total of 386 pharmacists were included in the study, majority of whom practiced in the hospital and administrative settings (31.9%). There were more males (50.3%) than females. Over 90% of respondents had good knowledge of COVID-19 disease. The mean knowledge score for mode of transmission of the disease and symptoms produced by the infection were 5.35 0.9 and 11.26 1.9 respectively. Similarly, pharmacists had a good practice towards Covid-19 disease. Mean score for practice towards the disease was 6.43 0.9. Majority (75.9%) however, had to provide their personal protective equipment.

Conclusion: These findings demonstrated that pharmacists had both good knowledge and practice towards the COVID-19 disease. This confirms pharmacists as a good resource for knowledge, which can be disseminated to patients and others during pandemics, or as the need arises.

Author Biographies

Olubusola A. Olugbake, Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy,

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria

Adaobi U. Mosanya, Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacy Management,

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria

Foluke A. Ayeni, Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy,

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria

Arinola E. Joda, Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy,

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria

Olubukola O. Oyetunde, Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy,

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria

Felicia E. Williams, Department of Clinical Pharmacy & Biopharmacy,

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria

Oladoja A. Awofisayo, Department of Pharmaceutical & Medicinal Chemistry,

 Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Mutiat B. Ibrahim, Department of Pharmacognosy,

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria


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How to Cite

A. Olugbake, O. ., U. Mosanya, A. ., A. Ayeni, F. ., E. Joda, A. ., O. Oyetunde, O. ., E. Williams, F. ., … B. Ibrahim, M. . (2022). Pharmacists’ knowledge and practice with respect to coronavirus disease 2019 caused by SARS-CoV-2. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 56(1), 119–127 | Retrieved from