Knowledge, attitude, and practices of Nigerians relating to the use of triple action creams: Results of a study among patrons of Community Pharmacies in Oshodi/Isolo Local Government, Lagos State, Nigeria


  • Ogechukwu Miriam Onuchukwu Registration & Regulatory Affffairs Directorate,
  • Penaere Theresa Osahon Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice,


Topical Corticosteroids, Triple action creams, Skin disease, Community Pharmacies
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Background: Triple action creams are employed for the treatment of a variety of skin or topical conditions. Over-the-counter availability of all strengths in Nigeria has raised concerns regarding its use for non-labelled indications. This study aims to assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Nigerians relating to the use of triple action creams.

Methods: The study was a cross sectional descriptive survey carried out among Nigerian patrons of Community Pharmacies located in three wards of Oshodi/Isolo Local Government, Lagos State, Nigeria. A multistage sampling was done to recruit participants used for the study. A 12-item self administered questionnaire was used to elicit information from the respondents who consented to participate in the study.

Results: Atotal of 384 respondents recruited completed the survey of which more than half (70.1%) of the study respondents are not aware of the long-term complications associated with misuse and abuse of triple action creams. Faster result (60.9%), brighter fair skin (58.6%) and lack of knowledge about the complications (64.3%) are the major reasons behind the misuse.

Conclusion: There is a low level of awareness of the Nigerian populace relating to the long-term complications of use triple action creams. There is therefore a dire need to adequately equip the populace with drug information as well as educate the public on the limits and acceptable attitudes and practices relating to the use of Topical Corticosteroids.

Author Biographies

Ogechukwu Miriam Onuchukwu, Registration & Regulatory Affffairs Directorate,

 NAFDAC Office Complex Plot 1, Isolo Industrial Estate, Apapa Oshodi Expressway, Lagos State

Penaere Theresa Osahon, Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice,

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin City, Edo State


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How to Cite

Miriam Onuchukwu, O. ., & Theresa Osahon, P. . (2022). Knowledge, attitude, and practices of Nigerians relating to the use of triple action creams: Results of a study among patrons of Community Pharmacies in Oshodi/Isolo Local Government, Lagos State, Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 56(1), 39–48 | Retrieved from