Perceptions and Challenges of Conducting Research among Undergraduate Pharmacy Students in University of Ilorin
Perception, Challenges, Research, Undergraduate, Pharmacy StudentsAbstract
Background: Active participation of students in research projects will enhance acquisition of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The aim of the study was to assess the perception of and identify challenges in conducting research among pharmacy students at University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
Methods: The study was a cross-sectional survey of fourth- and fififth-year pharmacy students aged between 16 and 30 years, selected by non-random purposive sampling technique. Bachelor of pharmacy students who have been exposed to research activities and spent 4-5 years of continuous study were included while postgraduate students were excluded from the study. Information on their perceptions of and challenges in conducting research were obtained using a structured, self-administered questionnaire. Data was collated and analyzed using SPSS version 25. Descriptive statistics (mean, percentages and frequencies) were used for presentation of data.
Results: The sample size for the study was 114 and a total of 100 students answered the questionnaire with a response rate of 87.72%. A total of 46 and 54 students in fourth- and fififth- year respectively participated in the study. Majority of the respondents were females (57%). The mean age of the respondents was 22.24±3.48 years. Most of the students (87%) had interest in research while (13%) revealed they had no interest in research. In addition, 78% of the respondents acknowledged research made students to be active learners and critical thinkers, (73%) agreed research work encouraged them to be problem solvers and innovators. Majority of the respondents (96%) revealed that there was inadequate preparatory courses/scientifific training and facilities to carry out research projects. More than half of the respondent (61%) were of the opinion that the time allotted for research work/projects was grossly insufficient.
Conclusion: Pharmacy student's perception of research was positive and they also recognized challenges that hindered effffective conduct of research projects. Addressing these challenges could potentially enhance the acquisition of research and problem-solving skills by pharmacy students.
Government of Nigeria. Pharmacist Council of Nigeria, Act 91 of 1992 (Now Act P.17, LFN 2004), Law of Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004.
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The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal Vol 15.

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