Plant Cell Cultures As Sources Of Valuable Secondary Metabolites


  • P.P. Ral Department of Pharrnacognosy & Drug Development, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria
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Aside from the primary metabolic pathways common to all life forms, some reactions lead to the formation of compounds unique to a few species or even to a single cultivar or variety. These reactions are classified under the term “secondary metabolism and their products known as “secondary metabolites” (Luckner and Nover, 1977). These substancesinclude alkaloids, antibiotics, voltatile oils, resins, tannins, cardiac glyeosides, sterols, saponins, etc.

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How to Cite

Ral, P. . (1986). Plant Cell Cultures As Sources Of Valuable Secondary Metabolites. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 17(1). Retrieved from