Cyclical Growths Of Contaminants In Drinking Water Packaged In Polythene Bag.


  • U. E. Mendie Department ol Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria
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The survival kinetics of  contaminants in drinking water packaged in polythene pouches commonly called "pure water"was evaluated using Agar dilution method, with the pH changes being determined concomitantly. Contaminants isolated from the different brands studied were many and highly varied. They included Bacillus species, 70.0%; Escherichia colt, 8.2%; Klebsiella aerogenes, 11 .8%, Pseudornoncis species, 7%; Staphylococci, 3.0%. No Salmonella or Shigella species was found.

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How to Cite

Mendie , U. E. (2002). Cyclical Growths Of Contaminants In Drinking Water Packaged In Polythene Bag. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 33(1). Retrieved from