The Antibacterial Resistance: A New Threat


  • A. O. Abioye Department Of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, University of Lagos
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The current trend at  antibacterial resistance has been reviewed. ln spite of the continuous development in modern medicine in terms at iagnosis and treatment, the  rate at emergence at resistance strains at microbes which are untreatable by any known  antibiotics is very alarming.  Consequently, there is a serious threat to the lives and health of people. The basis and factors that promote antimicrobial resistance are highlighted and various strategies were suggested to successfully contain the antibiotic resistance. It was apparent that a pharmaceutical strategy that entails rational use at antibacterial agents and preservation at microbial communities is of great value in reversing the resistance.

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Author Biography

A. O. Abioye , Department Of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, School of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, University of Lagos







How to Cite

Abioye , A. O. (2002). The Antibacterial Resistance: A New Threat. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 33(1). Retrieved from