Self-Medication among Nurses in a Tertiary Hospital in Southwest Nigeria.


  • Bolajoko A. Ainal Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, CMUL Campus,ldi Araba, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Awodele O. Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, CMUL Campus, ldi Araba, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Iyabo O. Jolayemi School of Health information Managernent, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, ldi-Araba, Lagos
  • Duro C. Dolapo Department of Community Health, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, CMUL Campus, ldi Araba, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Ibrahim A. Oreagba Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, CMUL Campus, ldi Araba, Lagos, Nigeria
  • Deborah F. Awodele School of Midwifery, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Lagos.


Self-rnedcation, Nurses, Tertiary hospital, Nigera
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Self-medication is the use of nonprescription medicines by people on their own initiatives. This study was carried out to determine
the knowledge, attitude and practice of nurses in Lagos University TeachingHospital (LUTH) towards self-medication.


This was questionnaire based descriptive study carried out in 2009. The questionnaire containing a mix of open-ended and close-ended questions was administered to the respondents.

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How to Cite

Ainal, . B. A. ., O., A. ., Jolayemi, I. O. ., Dolapo, D. C. ., Oreagba, I. A. ., & Awodele, D. F. . (2013). Self-Medication among Nurses in a Tertiary Hospital in Southwest Nigeria. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 47(1). Retrieved from