How Pharmacists may Influence Family Planning


  • M. Salava Professor of Pharmacy, Prague University Prague, Czechoslovakia and Director of Pharmacy Department, Ministry of Health Prague Czechoslovakia
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Continuously greater attention is paid at present to the problem of population reproduction and family planning. There arise, on the one hand, the views that our planet is threatened with overpopulation and a number of countries are concerned with the problems of relations between human reproduction and economic possibilities regarding the necessary amount of food and sufficient opportunities for employment. ln some countries, on the other hand, the problem is quite the opposite: their low birth rate does not guarantee a perspective of continuous supply of manpower, the rate of economic development is negatively influenced, and there is a disproportion between the potential economic activity and the number of future consumers.

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How to Cite

Salava, M. (1074). How Pharmacists may Influence Family Planning. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 5(4). Retrieved from