Chemical Studies and Nutritive Properties of Some Nigerian Vegetables and Cereals - A Literature Review


  • E. Ikoku Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of lfe, lle-lfe
  • A. A. Olaniyi Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of lfe, lle-lfe
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Animal products, cereals, tubers and vegetables constitute the principal sources of food in Nigeria. Cereals and vegetables assume even greater importance since financial restrictions severely limit the ability of the vast majority of Nigerians to avail themselves of ample supplies of animal proteins. The object of this review is to survey the available data on the chemical composition of Nigerian vegetables and cereals and correlate such information with the nutritive properties of the vegetables and cereals. One however recognises that documented and scientific information on this subject is scanty. Except for the pioneering efforts of Oke‘ and Oyenugai, the field is a virtually untapped one in which further research is clearly indicated.

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How to Cite

Ikoku, E., & Olaniyi, A. A. (1974). Chemical Studies and Nutritive Properties of Some Nigerian Vegetables and Cereals - A Literature Review. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 5(4). Retrieved from