Contribution to the Knowledge of Nigerian Medicinal Plants XI. Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of two common Nigerian Plants, Musa Sapientum (Banana) and Oxythenanthera Abyssinica Munro (Bamboo)


  • Kucera M.
  • Iziduh O.G. Department of Pharmacognosy University of Ife, Ile-Ife Nigeria.
  • Angba J. D. Department of Pharmacognosy University of Ife, Ile-Ife Nigeria.
  • Adesoye A. A. Department of Pharmacognosy University of Ife, Ile-Ife Nigeria.
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Musa sapientum (Musaceae) and Oxytenanthera abysslnica Munro (Gramineae), are two very common plants in the humid parts of Nigeria. The banana species have been studied in some other countries in connection with their nutritive value, the bamboo in connection with its utilisation in the paper industry, No attention has been paid to our knowledge to any of these two species of Nigerian origin.

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How to Cite

M., K. ., O.G., I. ., J. D., A. ., & A. A., A. . (1976). Contribution to the Knowledge of Nigerian Medicinal Plants XI. Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of two common Nigerian Plants, Musa Sapientum (Banana) and Oxythenanthera Abyssinica Munro (Bamboo). The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 7(3). Retrieved from