Binding Properties Of Gum From Khaya Senegalensis: I. Granules


  • A. Mgbahurike Dept. Of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria ‘Present Address: School of Pharmacy, College oi Medicine University of Lagos, Lagos.
  • C. Igwilo Dept. Of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria ‘Present Address: School of Pharmacy, College oi Medicine University of Lagos, Lagos.
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The binding properties of gum
obtained from Khaya senegalcnsis Juss.
family. Meliaceae was evaluated in
comparison with gum acacia. The results
of the investigation, as estimated from the
granular characteristics oi lactose
granules prepared with the Khaya gum as
bindcr, show that the Khaya gum has a
good binding potential in tablet
A 3% w/w of Khaya gum exhibits
similar binding ability to 5% w/w acacia




How to Cite

Mgbahurike, A. ., & Igwilo, C. . (1991). Binding Properties Of Gum From Khaya Senegalensis: I. Granules. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, 22(1). Retrieved from